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Native Token for All Ecosystem Rimaunangis

What is Rimaunangis?

Rimaunangis Project create a digital asset product RXT Token which is here to provide a breakthrough in the Food Chain and Lifestyle industry by implementing the application of blockchain technology. RXT token can be used to access the entire Rimaunangis Ecosystem. In the future, the entire ecosystem in Rimaunangis with the use of blockchain technology will create many ecosystems that will provide many uses for access for RXT tokens as an access to financial and creative products. One of the projects we will launch is a special our own P2E Game Metaverse, NFT Collection and there will also be a special NFT marketplace for the community.

Rimaunangis Digital LLC Ecosystem

Rimaunangis $RXT Token under Rimaunangis Digital LLC, is one of the largest companies in Georgia, and adds value to Rimaunangis Sdn. Bhd.


RXT E-commerce (rimaunangis.com)


RXT Lifestyle (rimaunangis.tv | rimaunangis.art)


RXT Tokenization (rimaunangis.world)



Rimaunangis Ecommerce (www.rimaunangis.com)

Rimaunangis Sdn Bhd is a large e-commerce company in Malaysia that offers a wide variety of meat products and others. this company is one of the very high-tech e-commerce and also applies the use of technologies such as IoT and blockchain to maximize the quality of each product that is presented. This marketplace can also use RXT tokens to be used to buy discount vouchers as transaction discounts.

Where Quality Matters Most

Rimaunangis Sdn Bhd is a collective group of companies that provide long-term, demand driven, agricultural commodity supply chains to create food security for nations. It is a complete horizontal and vertical integration in Agriculture.

Serving Red Meat and Livestock Industry

Malaysia sets one of the highest, and cohesive, standards in Halal Certification globally, thus enabling Rimaunangis to take a central role in delivering the Halal Hub goal for beef in Malaysia. Rimaunangis provides complete cattle supply solutions, mitigating many risk associated with implementing a national beef strategy.

Digitalize Everything

Our IoT-driven smart system can intelligently monitor as well as control the farm, eliminating the need for manual intervention. That data is stored in a cloud-based platform for further processing and control with minimal manual intervention.

Slaughter must be conducted in a way

Free Shopping on all online order, We provide 100% Original item (fresh product), We Ensure Secure Transections (100% secure payment), We are available in 24 hours (24/7 support center)

Business Motto

Rimaunangis Sdn Bhd's business motto is The One-Stop Center For Your Daily Needs, Freshly Produced Just For You Affordable prices straight to your door

Rimaunangis Lifestyle

Two business pillars

Divided into two business pillars, namely is Rimaunangis TV & Rimaunangis Art and Fashion

Rimaunangis TV(www.rimaunangis.tv)

Rimaunangis TV is the first content streaming platform in Malaysia which was developed with a combination of blockchain technology. RXT tokens can be used to access special content that is broadcast on the Rimaunangis TV platform and also this token can provide discounts in in the form of vouchers for all uses on the Rimaunangis TV services.

Rimaunangis Art and Fashion(www.rimaunangis.art)

Rimaunangis Art and Fashion is a platform like the NFT marketplace that offers various products such as arts, movies, music and more. all products on this platform can be traded in the form of NFT contracts and for all transactions using RXT tokens.

Rimaunangis Digital

Rimaunangis Digital has several dedicated platforms to adopt digitalization and currently under development Rimaunangis NFT assets & Rimaunangis $RXT Token


Rimaunangis NFT assets (www.rimaunangis.io)

Rimaunangis NFT Asset will launch an NFT-based P2E game in which all NFT assets will be created that will be connected directly to the Rimaunangis Metaverse which can utilize the entire agricultural ecosystem through NFT. Our NFT has utilities with tangible assets such as a cow and other products that are digitized into the NFT contract. any profit or value generated by a cow or other livestock is tokenized as a reward and given to the owner of the NFT.


Rimaunangis $RXT Token

In the future Rimaunangis $RXT token will be the main payment instrument in this digital-based business ecosystem, both in the e-commerce business for marketing agricultural, plantation and livestock products as well as in the NFT asset business.


Rimaunangis $RXT is the native token of the Rimaunangis Digital LLC crypto exchange built on the BSC – BEP 20 network.

Rimaunangis $RXT is the native token of the Rimaunangis Digital LLC crypto exchange built on the BSC – BEP 20 network. This token was first launched on 27 August 2022 as a native digital token, meaning that it will play a very important role in every activity in the ecosystem business Rimaunangis Digital LLC. Of course, there will be many advantages for the owners if they already have this Rimaunangis $RXT token because in the future the Rimaunangis $RXT token will be the main payment instrument in the Metaverse game that combines all the Rimaunangis Digital LLC ecosystem.

Rimaunangis game metaverse the first real world land & asset ownership platform in the metaverse, allowing users to buy, sell, stake, earn and develop NFT based land tiles which are mapped to real map surfaces. With ownership comes the opportunity to farm, mine, build, collaborate and turn peasant land into something more than the sum of its parts. Rimaunangis $RXT token wants to elaborate and elevate the concept of the metaverse to another level that has an impact on the real world and society. Our IoT-driven smart system can intelligently monitor as well as control the farm, eliminating the need for manual intervention.